PDF轉Word軟體 - Solid Converter (Solid Converter PDF),具有PDF轉Word的DOCX檔功能,也可以將PDF轉成PowerPoint、Excel、HTML、TXT,抽取出PDF檔中的圖片(PDF至影像),可以變更PDF安全設定,包括設定開啟密碼、禁止列印、禁止修改...等等,以及從圖片製作PDF檔、合併PDF檔、從Office列印PDF檔...等功能。(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
官方網站:Solid Documents Limited
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
Solid Converter is the best PDF converter for turning PDF files into fully editable Windows documents. Whether you need your content in Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML or just text, Solid Converter gives you simple methods to quickly get your content.
- PDF to Word
- Scan to Word
- Convert to Excel
- Convert to HTML
- Convert to PowerPoint
- Convert to Text
- Extract Data
- Extract Images
- Selection Conversion (file or clipboard)
- Word Addin (Open PDF button)
- Word Addin (Open Image button)
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