把照片變成繪畫風格 - FotoSketcher,圖片特效處理軟體,簡單按幾下滑鼠就能夠把照片變成鉛筆素描效果、水墨效果、油漆效果、風格化效果...等等,修改照片亮度、對比度、飽和度、模糊及銳化,也能夠剪裁照片、加入文字、加入邊框。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:David Thoiron
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
FotoSketcher is a 100% free program for Windows which converts your digital photos into art automatically and in just a few mouse clicks. Over 20 different styles are available from pencil sketches to watercolor or oil paintings, pen & ink drawings and cartoons. From photo to painting (landscapes, architecture, portraits, etc.) in seconds!
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