Ad-Aware Free– 免費惡意程式掃描工具,內建防毒軟體功能,具有下載保護、自動病毒碼更新、掃描指定檔案...等功能,還有提供遊戲模式供遊戲時切換。(阿榮)(下載)
[2011.07.11] 讀者反應 9.0.6 版起已不內建中文語系。
[2012.04.18] 第10版又加入了防毒功能!安裝後是Ad-Aware Pro,自動試用專業版的功能30天(版本比較表),到期後不付費升級就剩下免費版的功能,這套軟體已經離我們越來越遠了!
Leaner, meaner, faster. Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ combines our legendary Anti-spyware with a super fast, free Antivirus. It now features download protection (blocks malicious files before being written to disk), sandboxing (keeps unknown apps running in a virtual environment) and advanced detection - it's our most powerful free antivirus yet.
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