免費的P2P網路直播電視 - SopCast,上百個節目隨你看,內容包含中港台的體育、新聞、綜藝、動漫、電影,可以切換為全螢幕,提供的電影畫質還不錯,另外,還可以把自己的 WMV、ASF、MP3、RM、RMVB 透過這套軟體分享出去。(阿榮)(下載)
[2010.04.20] 這個軟體可以看的直播頻道越來越少了。
SopCast is a simple, free way to broadcast video and audio or watch the video and listen to radio on the Internet. Adopting P2P(Peer-to-Peer) technology, It is very efficient and easy to use. Let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of a powerful server and vast bandwidth...

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