GanttProject - 甘特圖式專案管理軟體,可以匯出/匯入與微軟Project相容的格式,介面上是免費專案管理軟體中跟微軟Project比較相像的一款,但可惜匯出PDF、HTML後,中文部份都是亂碼。(阿榮)(下載)
[2009.09.16] 上次更新:2008/12/22,匯出PDF仍為亂碼。
GanttProject is a free and easy to use Gantt chart based project scheduling and management tool. Our major features include:
* Task hierarchy and dependencies
* Gantt chart
* Resource load chart
* Generation of PERT chart
* PDF and HTML reports
* MS Project import/export
* WebDAV based groupwork
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免安裝版 [2.7.1] [更多舊版]