右鍵選單編輯軟體 - Easy Context Menu,除了常用的右鍵選單刪除清理功能之外,還可以在各類的右鍵選單新增一些實用的功能,例如:重新啟動Windows檔案總管、封鎖鍵盤、複製IP位址、關機、休眠、封鎖存取、取得擁有權、加入到防火牆、從防火牆刪除...等等。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:EcMenu, EasyContextMenu, EasyContextMenuPortable
Easy Context Menu enables you to add a variety of useful commands and tweaks for the Desktop, My Computer, Drives ,File and folder context menus. It helps in accessing most used windows components quickly and easily , it doesn’t get much easier than to check some boxes and set up what you want or use a lot in the context menu just click on the desired component shortcut to launch it , Easy Context Menu is a Portable Freeware Application.
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