來自Linux及Mac的知名BT下載自由軟體 - Transmission,簡單易用的特性被Ubuntu選為預設BT下載軟體,但卻沒有Windows的版本,這是非官方的修改版,專供Windows使用者使用,具有上傳下載速限、設定檔案儲存位置、黑名單、網頁遠端遙控等重點功能,設定簡單扼要、完全無廣告。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Transmission-Qt Win
系統需求:Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
Transmission is designed for easy, powerful use. We've set the defaults to Just Work and it only takes a few clicks to configure advanced features like watch directories, bad peer blocklists, and the web interface. When Ubuntu chose Transmission as its default BitTorrent client, one of the most-cited reasons was its easy learning curve.
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