單一執行檔的看圖軟體 - FreeVimager,支援萬國碼(Unicode)、圖片幻燈片模式自動播放,支援JPEG、BMP、GIF、TIFF、PNG、PCX、EMF圖片格式,可播放AVI影片檔,能夠將圖片直接另存為PDF檔。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
This is a Free & Fast Image Viewer and Editor for Windows. It can as well play avi video files, ordinary audio files and audio CDs. There are many tools around doing that, but the aim of this Freeware is to be a small and handy tool doing what it says and running also as a standalone exe file (installer not necessary).
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