![Ultra Adware Killer (UAK) Ultra Adware Killer (UAK)](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2r7geGjlEJY/VQUisTk-cBI/AAAAAAABGBg/eQcDn8ydh_A/s1600/Ultra_Adware_Killer_48x48.png)
移除首頁綁架、廣告軟體、工具列、搜尋引擎綁架 - Ultra Adware Killer (UAK),其功能與「AdwCleaner」類似,但它可以掃描一台電腦的所有使用者帳號,而不用逐一登入掃描!掃描後只要按下清理(Cleanup)就可以清除所有物件,並預設會自動建立系統還原點,清理後不一定需要重新開啟電腦,也可以隨時於選單(Menu)中檢視掃描記錄(View scan log)、檢視移除記錄(View removal log)。注意:軟體難免會有誤判,清理可疑物件前,請自行做初步判斷,以免誤刪!(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:UltraAdwareKiller, UltraAdwareKillerPortable, UltraAdwareKillerPortableEN, UltraAdwareKillerPortableTW
Ultra Adware Killer is a simple but powerful adware remover for Windows, which has the ability of detecting and removing adware for all the users in a system. This can save you lots of time logging in to other user accounts and performing the scan again.
Ultra Adware Killer removes browser toolbars, ad-ons, plugins, unwanted search providers and hijacked home pages, and also potentially unwanted programs (PUP's). It also allows to optionally reset Chrome and Firefox's preferences.
[2015.03.15] 中文化作者「丹楓」(v1.5.0.0)。
[2015.06.27] 經測試,中文化版本會在開啟後,強制更新為最新英文版。
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