無限制瀏覽中國大陸影音網站 - 風之影瀏覽器(Slimjet),是以Chromium開發並內建多種實用功能的瀏覽器,一般在瀏覽大陸影視網站時會碰到「抱歉,音版權原因無法觀看此視頻!代碼:1000」的問題,而此瀏覽器內建中國大陸代理伺服器功能!不用安裝任何外掛(如:Unblock Youku)就可以順利觀看,支援優酷、土豆、搜狐、迅雷看看、搜狐、樂視等網站,其他實用功能還有:線上影片下載、極速照片上傳、Facebook工具列、自訂工具列、網頁翻譯...等等,另外,也完全支援所有Chrome外掛。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:FlashPeak Inc.
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:SlimjetPortable, slimjet browser
Slimjet is built on top of the Chromium open-source project on which Google Chrome is also based. It enjoys the same speed and reliablity provided by the underlying blink engine as Google Chrome. However, many additional features and options have been added in Slimjet to make it more powerful, intelligent and customizable than Chrome.
[2015.10.27] 由於32位元安裝版強迫線上下載,請改由官網下載。
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