免費電腦本機檔案或資料夾搜尋工具 - Wise JetSearch,只要輸入關鍵字,就能夠準確又快速的搜尋檔案或資料夾,支援萬用字元,可以使用「*」號及「?」號來取代忘記的字元以便搜尋,並且支援「Everything」所不支援的FAT格式,而常見的USB隨身碟就是FAT格式,此工具也支援隨身碟的檔案搜尋。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
Wise JetSearch Portable can help you search files or folders on all your local drives in just a few seconds. Input your keywords, select the drive and then start to search. After searching, Wise JetSearch will show you the searching results such as file/folder name, path, size and last modified date. Also, a right click can provide you with a direct and convenient way to deal with the file/folder you found out. What's more, Wise JetSearch only takes up few system resources.
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