軟體安裝程式製作工具 - InstallAware,產出的安裝檔比InstallShield更小、執行更快速,特色有:混合式的技術能夠加速程式安裝、簡單的MSI檔客製化功能、免費且無限的三維網路更新功能、立即可用的Windows 10支援、Aero Glass特殊視窗效果、工業級最快速的安裝擷取、可綑綁其他安裝、透過精靈效果讓使用者有最佳體驗、工業級的64位元壓縮引擎、支援.NET/SQL Server/VC++的一鍵安裝功能...等等。(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
官方網站:InstallAware Software
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
InstallAware for Native Code and Windows Installer - MSI Installer Tool:
- Hybrid Installation Technology with InstantInstall Acceleration
- MSI Customization without Complexity
- Free Unlimited Triple-Mode Web Updates
- Out-of-the-Box Windows 10 Support
- Aero Glass with Fading/Sliding Wizard Transition Special Effects
- Industry's Fastest Setup Capture
- Bundle Other Installations
- Best End User Experience with Wizard Transition Special Effects
- Industry's Best Compression, with 64-bit Compression Engine
- Single Click Install for .NET 4.6, SQL Server 2014, VC++ 14 Runtimes
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