![微信電腦版 - WeChat 微信電腦版 - WeChat](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ax0aMso4Bx0/VMmmaEUpgKI/AAAAAAABBfc/IpSiw17WHFk/s1600/WeChat_48x48.png)
微信電腦版 - WeChat,是由發行QQ的騰訊公司出品,是跟LINE同性質的即時傳訊軟體,在中國大陸幾乎人人都有微信帳號,可說是兩岸商務往來的必備工具,電腦版的功能較為陽春,有文字聊天、檔案傳輸、手機聊天記錄備份等功能,近似WeChat網頁版!(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:騰訊 Tencent
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
WeChat puts all of your social needs at your fingertips! Keep in touch with everyone important with this comprehensive feature suite: voice chatting, text messaging, photo and video exchange, and sharing of personal photo journals of your lives' highlights.
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