取代Windows執行視窗功能 - Run-Command,「執行」功能早期位於「開始」→「執行」,後來改與開始功能表的搜尋列整合,此工具一樣是用執行命令的方式呼叫常用功能,不過它有我的最愛(收藏夾)功能,不僅內建非常多指令(例如:regedit.exe、cmd.exe、taskmgr.exe),也可以新增自己常用的項目。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/98/2000/2012(32及64位元)
關鍵字:RunCommand,Run Command, RunCommandPortable
Run-Command is a small, portable windows program and created as an alternative to the standard Windows Run-Dialog. In this program you will find a number of improvements e.g. the function run as administrator and add to favorites commands for frequently used commands.
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