萬能影片轉檔軟體 - VSO ConvertXtoVideo Ultimate,能夠輸入任何格式的影音檔,並轉檔為AVI、DIVX、MKV、MP4、WMV、ISO、DVD...等格式的影片,內建多種行動裝置的格式設定檔,包含:Nexus、iPad、Xbox、PS3、Android、iPhone...平板及智慧型手機,可以燒錄AVCHD、藍光光碟、建立ISO檔,支援最高解析度1080p的Mpeg2、Mpeg4、H264、Xvid高畫質影片,可以幫影片加入字幕,還有影片切割、畫質調整、加入章節...等功能。(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
官方網站:VSO Software
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
- Convert videos to and from any format: MKV, AVI, DVD, Blu-ray, FLV, MP4 converter, ISO, WMV and more . . .
- Compatible with any device and includes predefined conversion profiles: Nexus, iPad, Xbox, PS3, Android, iPhone, tablets, smartphones and more . . .
- Create AVCHD and Blu-ray discs
- Create custom profiles with your choice of codecs and resolutions Mpeg2, Mpeg4, H264, Xvid, and up to 1080p
- Many audio outputs available: stereo, multi-channel, AC-3, dts, AAC, Mp2
- Complete with a comprehensive editing tool: no need for any other program!
- Convert video to mp3 or other audio formats
- Burn your conversions to disk (CD, DVD and Blu-ray) with integrated burning engine or create ISO files
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