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螢幕壞點測試軟體 - IsMyLcdOK,可以顯示多種顏色供檢測使用,水平線條、垂直線條、水平漸變顏色、垂直漸變顏色,使用方法很簡單,按相對應的按鍵開啟功能,或者按功能鍵以外的其他任意鍵切換下一個功能,也可以自動切換:按「F5」進入耐力測試→按「Enter」開始或停止自動切換,而按「Esc」可以離開或關閉軟體。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/ME/NT/98/2000/2003(32及64位元)
IsMyLcdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check for dead/paralysed/stuck pixels on LCD monitors.
# Pixel Tester with different colors and gradient:
[1] = White Test
[2] = Black Test
[3] = Red Test
[4] = Green Test
[5] = Blue Test
[6] = Cyan Test
[7] = Purple Test
[8] = Yellow Test
[9] = Gradient horizontally
[0] = Vertical gradient
[F7] or [V] = Vertical lines
[F8] or [H] = Horizontal lines
# Small graphics stress test:
[F2] = BitBlt MB/sec. Test
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Clik here to view.

螢幕壞點測試軟體 - IsMyLcdOK,可以顯示多種顏色供檢測使用,水平線條、垂直線條、水平漸變顏色、垂直漸變顏色,使用方法很簡單,按相對應的按鍵開啟功能,或者按功能鍵以外的其他任意鍵切換下一個功能,也可以自動切換:按「F5」進入耐力測試→按「Enter」開始或停止自動切換,而按「Esc」可以離開或關閉軟體。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/ME/NT/98/2000/2003(32及64位元)
IsMyLcdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check for dead/paralysed/stuck pixels on LCD monitors.
# Pixel Tester with different colors and gradient:
[1] = White Test
[2] = Black Test
[3] = Red Test
[4] = Green Test
[5] = Blue Test
[6] = Cyan Test
[7] = Purple Test
[8] = Yellow Test
[9] = Gradient horizontally
[0] = Vertical gradient
[F7] or [V] = Vertical lines
[F8] or [H] = Horizontal lines
# Small graphics stress test:
[F2] = BitBlt MB/sec. Test
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