影音檔規格檢測軟體 - MediaInfo,可以開啟影音檔案、字幕檔,並檢測出編解碼器(Codec)、畫面比例、每秒張數、取樣率、聲道數、語言、流量、字幕語言...等技術資訊,是開放原始碼的自由軟體。(阿榮)(下載)
MediaInfo provides easy access to technical and tag information about video and audio files.
It is open-source software, which means that it is free of charge to the end user and developers have freedom to study, to improve and to redistribute the program (LGPL license).
[2011.04.13] 感謝讀者「晉源」通知改版訊息。
MediaInfo supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file.
This is free software (free of charge and free to access source code: GPL or LGPL licence)
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