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讓指定視窗自動置頂並自動移開 - Move Aside Please,可以利用視窗標題來指定要自動置頂(最上層顯示)的視窗,除了使用文字語法設定之外,比較簡單的方式就是直接選取已開啟的視窗標題(Settings→Set Window Titles→Select from open windows),完成設定之後,當滑鼠游標移動時碰到指定的視窗,除了置頂之外還會自動移開(往下或往上移),避免擋住你要操作其他軟體的視線(例如:瀏覽器)。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Anand K Gupta
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:MoveAsidePleasePortable, moveasideplease
During our work, many times we need to keep a small window of a program always on top of the desktop screen. This program may show network connection, mail status, auto updating messages etc. Now when we are working on some full screen program like editor, browser etc., this small window block the view of the part of the editor or browser.
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讓指定視窗自動置頂並自動移開 - Move Aside Please,可以利用視窗標題來指定要自動置頂(最上層顯示)的視窗,除了使用文字語法設定之外,比較簡單的方式就是直接選取已開啟的視窗標題(Settings→Set Window Titles→Select from open windows),完成設定之後,當滑鼠游標移動時碰到指定的視窗,除了置頂之外還會自動移開(往下或往上移),避免擋住你要操作其他軟體的視線(例如:瀏覽器)。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Anand K Gupta
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:MoveAsidePleasePortable, moveasideplease
During our work, many times we need to keep a small window of a program always on top of the desktop screen. This program may show network connection, mail status, auto updating messages etc. Now when we are working on some full screen program like editor, browser etc., this small window block the view of the part of the editor or browser.
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