Windows體驗指數讀取顯示工具 - ExperienceIndexOK,在Windows 7控制台中的「效能資訊及工具」,會以分數來評比電腦效能等級,包含處理器、記憶體、圖形、遊戲圖形、主要硬碟的分數,但從Windows 8.1起到Windows 10已取消這項功能,不過評比功能仍在,只是不再將分數顯示出來,所以此軟體能夠重新顯示Windows體驗指數。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7(32及64位元)
A small program and an effective solution to read and show your Windows Experience Index or to start a new calculation of the performance index. The program is primarily written for Windows 8.1 and the Windows 10, because the performance index is calculated by the operating system, but the performance index is no longer displayed in the System.
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