文件圖片萃取軟體 - Office Image Extraction Wizard,功能比OfficePic更為強大,可以輸入Microsoft Office的Word、Excel、PowerPoint文件,然後解出內含的圖片檔,取出的圖片會自動依照原本的格式存檔(如:原本為JPG解出後不會是PNG),圖檔體積也不會變大!還支援下列軟體的文件檔:OpenOffice、Libre Office、StarOffice、NeoOffice、Apple iWorks、Electronic Publication Books、Comic Book Archive。(阿榮)(下載)
Office Image Extraction Wizard is an app that allows you to easily extract images from many "office type" documents and ebook formats, and store these as normal picture files on your hard drive. Over 40 common file formats are supported (see the list below). Images are extracted in their original format, with no image processing or re-compression being performed, so no quality is lost during the extraction. It does not require MS Office to work.
Supported file formats:
*Microsoft Office 97 / 2000 / XP / 2003 - Word ( .doc | .dot ), PowerPoint ( .ppt | .pot | .pps )
*Microsoft Office 2007 / 2010 / 2012 - Word ( .docx | .docm | .dotm | .dotx ),PowerPoint ( .pptx | .ppsm | .potm | .potx | .pptm | .ppsx | .sldm ), Excel ( .xlsx | .xlsm | .xltm | .xltx )
*OpenOffice / Libre Office / StarOffice - Writer ( .odt | .ott ), Impress ( .odp | .otp ), Calc ( .ods | .ots ), Draw ( .odg | .otg )
*NeoOffice / Old OpenDocument Format - Text ( .sxw | .stw ), Presentation ( .sxi | .sti ), Spreadsheet ( .sxc | .stc )
*Apple iWorks - Pages ( .pages | .template ), Numbers ( .numbers | .template )
*Electronic Publication Books ( .epub )
*Comic Book Archive (.cbz )
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