輕鬆轉換各種格式影片 - Hamster Free Video Converter,可以將影片轉換成支援超過200種設備的影片,或將影片轉換成3GP、MP3、MP4、AVI、MPG、WMV、MPEG、FLV、HD、DVD、M2TS和其他格式,支援多影片一次轉檔,操作很簡單:拖放要轉檔的影片→選擇格式及參數→開始轉檔。(阿榮)(Hero推薦)(下載)
[2011.10.16] 這套轉檔也很方便!不過可惜不支援RM或RMVB檔。內建簡體中文語系,可以正常顯示。
Converts many video files in batches
Converts to 3GP, MP3, MP4, AVI, MPG, WMV, MPEG, FLV, HD, DVD, M2TS and other formats with integrated video player & DivX+ codecs! Universal and fast, Hamster FREE (any) Video Converter will make your videos suitable for the web in two clicks.
Supports more than 200+ devices
Apple TV, Archos, BlackBerry, Cowon, Creative Zen, Dell Axim X51 Family, Explay Flash Player Family, Google Nexus One, HP, HTC Touch, iPad, iPhone, iPhone 3g, iPhone 3gs, iPhone 4, iRiver, Kindle, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, Samsung, Sandisk Sansa, Sony Ericsson, Sony PlayStation, Walkman, Windows Mobile OS, Xbox360, Zune
關鍵字:Hamster Free Video Converter Portable
※注意:電腦必須有安裝「.NET Framework 3.5」才可以執行此程式!
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